3 Quotes & Sayings By Terry Johnson

Terry Johnson is an internationally-known Australian author who has worked with some of the world's top brands. He is the Chairman of the Health Sustainability Institute (HSI) and Chief Executive Officer of The HSI Group, an international consultancy focused on improving the health, wellbeing and environment of people, communities, organisations and natural systems. He has written six bestselling books on various topics including sustainable business, health and nutrition, sustainability and business strategy. He is also a regular guest speaker at conferences around the world on these topics.

Have you ever noticed how ‘What the hell’ is always the right decision to make? Terry Johnson
Knowledge isn't truth. It's just mindless agreement. You agree with me, I agree with someone else - we all have knowledge. We haven't come any closer to the truth. You can never understand anything by agreeing, by making definitions. Only by turning over the possibilities. That's called thinking. If I say "I know", I stop thinking. As long as I keep thinking, I come to understand. That way, I might approach some truth. . Terry Johnson